If you didn't know, for the last couple of years I've been a member of a writer's group called The Scribe Asylum. We've always kept the group fairly private and to ourselves, but lately we've been creating some great material that we'll want to showcase to the public fairly soon. The first step in this is to create a logo of some kind, which prompted us to do a little photo shoot last night. Our goal is to take one of these images (or one of the many others), and work it into the logo. The concept for the shoot was this:
"A writer goes insane from writer's block (or a bad pitch meeting), and scribbles all over himself, covering his face in ink."
I'd love to get some opinions on the pics. Which of the photos below do you think would work best for a logo?
*all photos by Colin Mika*

These are great photos. I especially like the second one. That being said I don't think that any of them would work for a logo as well as they would work for an advertisement, poster, wall paper or some other type of marketing material. A logo should be less involved, bold, contrasty. Something that is easily readable from a distance and up close. These tell a great story and set a mood, but wouldn't look good shrunk down to 1" x 1" to fit on a business card.
That's probably true...guess we might have to rethink the logo thing. Whatever it is, I definitely want something with the same feel as the photos. Maybe a more iconic version of it in illustrator? Like just a face?
I agree I like the second one as well but it would be difficult to make into a logo, maybe something along those lines that makes the same point but with less detail. A silhouette perhaps? Like they did in the old days.
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